The Mentorship Program is for all Mille Lacs Band member associates. As a band member associate within Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures, we want you to be encouraged and supported through continuous learning with a variety of opportunities to add to your existing know-how.
Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures will have band member and non-band member mentors to help guide future generations culturally and professionally through collaboration, goal setting, and problem-solving.
Everyone learns and wins in this equation.
Band members will be able to designate if they want to be a mentor or mentee, or both. This program is flexible!
All in all, our goal is to support band member mentees and future leaders in acquiring new skills and preparing for additional career growth. This program will offer a variety of mentors available based on the mentees interest. You will be able to travel with your mentor, attend step-up meetings and socialize internally and culturally.
The Mentorship program is in service of ML band member associates and will pair a mentor/mentee to develop a partnership where personal and professional growth is fostered to ensure the longevity of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe.
The program is in alignment with our 7 traditional values and MLCV's corporate values and behaviors. Our overall mission is to “Improve the quality of life of our tribal member shareholders and communities throughout East Central Minnesota and beyond.”